
Showing posts from May, 2019

Commercial Pilot License Program - New Session Every Month

There is New Session Every Month. Now is time to Enrol for the Next Session COMMERCIAL PILOT PRO. Summer Session Already Started. You can still join next month the next group of pilots.  This Program is designed for Students who want to become Airline Pilots. The Courses and Flight training are of High Standards. You will be assigned to a Flight instructor chosen among the Top Acclaimed instructors. Your experienced instructor will teach you the required courses and many of their skills too.  In Canada, you can benefit from variable weather conditions. When you graduate, you will be able to fly in icy cold weather and extreme heat.  Major Airlines prefer to recruit among the Academy Graduating Pilots. These Airliners are sure to hire s killed pilots qualified to deal with all flight situations.  The Academy of Aeronautics helps qualified students with Visa, Housing, Health insurance, Financial assistance, Affordable tuition fee and offers job at graduation. To inq

Get a Pilot License in 18 months: A Well Paid Job & Great Career

Get a Pilot License in 18 months: A Well Paid Job & Great Career Take an appointment 514-315-8762 extension 200 and 201 to know more. The job of Airline Pilot is a profession well paid and in demand. Our College offers payment facilities, Financial Assistance and a Job at Graduation to qualified students. The college departments offer assistance to international students too: Student Visa, Housing, Health insurance, Free Transportation to Airport for Flight Training, Monthly Payment facility, Employment and Job placement for Graduates. Our Expert Instructors are dedicated and their goal is the success of their student pilots. Therefore, the average rate of success is 100%. Our Facilities and Aircrafts are inspected periodically. They are compliant to the requirements of Transport Canada. The flying lessons are held at Mirabel International Airport. The control tower and the airport are supervised by the Canadian Civil Aviation. This provides unsurpassed security to our st